Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lord Shiva's "Trimurthy" at the Elephanta Caves, Mumbai

This statue is in the Elephanta caves that is a world heritage monument credited by the UNESCO......... there is no real information on who had built this temple......... but looking at the type of carvings and construction it looks like it is from the Chalukyan Empire of King Pulakesi 2 dated at about 5th to 7th century AD........ Elephanta Caves is very famous for this particular statue of Lord Shiva also known as the "Trimurthy"..... because of the three faces of the Lord........

Centre - Is the Normal face of Lord Shiva in his meditation.......
"The Protector"...

Left - If you notice the face is a very angry looking one...... because Lord Shiva is also "The Destroyer" "Aghora"....

Right - If you again see carefully, it's the face of a female...... "The Creator"........

Sights and scenes of Mumbai

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Project Art House

Friend bole toh discount. A pal of mine pursuing her interior design course wanted to help her out with her art portfolio that would encompass a year's work with an art house feel. Voila!